Have you ever heeded of a trio act that is unique and prospering? Indeed, it is a very unusual case that one can foresee but lucky for you as it seems like a talented trio is coming your way drawing a lot of fun tracks and Majestic songs just for you to groove on. Yes, we know. You guys might be wondering who is this trio?
Well it is none than the universally appealing kings themselves called as “Triangle Clique“, a trio of three brothers who are inclined to bring the world on the similar path as them by creating music that will make you unconsciously groove on the beats.
Growing up as children in a crime infested Elmhurst, these three brothers from New York city had already seized the initiative of creating that sort of lit music that will compel your body to dance unconsciously while making you plunge in love with them in an instant. Imagine this. Fire beats with savage raps and overpowering performance filled with packed energy, it can nothing more than a blessing endowed by the
“Triangle Clique” trio on us that will eternally engrave in your disposition earning you crave for more and more. Now this is what we call majestic!
Music being the refugee of endearing a free soul. What a beautiful yet astounding irony. Yet completely in sync with “Triangle Clique” who never allowed the wrath of time to prevent them from achieving their dreams and rendering the greatest of their aims. Indeed, Iconic Kings! Reaching the goal of 1000 tracks was nothing for these talents who blessed the fans around the globe with boosting number of beats finalizing the playlist of their fans while representing their distinct variety of colours expressed through their songs with each song standing as “Truly Phenomenal”.
Popularity is the sentimental quality that unleashes the best in artist. This line has something we appoint as “Triangle Clique” who even before debuting were deeply requested by Jim Reyes (with Diva Records) to perform at the club because of the aptitude he already saw swelling in these glorious souls. Worth mentioning, popularity us just a small word for them who were invited to performed at renowned events like “Quarters, Calle Orange, Club Tabu, Roxy’s Night Club” and more confirming the fact that the realm was about to witness history.
Becoming their true biased fan will mean nothing more than surplus songs, groovy sentiments and a festive to enjoy. You shouldn’t take any more time and begin subsidizing the kings by supporting their songs like “Chiwanna” that will exactly be a feast for the greatest aspirations of your fantasies. Someone even owning entertainment label like “Triangle Clique LLS” we cannot even dare imagine what they will bring forth for us.