How would you describe your sound?
Pop music is my baby. It is definitely my true passion and it‘s all I ever wanted to do because it is such a broad term. Especially now with Billie Eilish, King Princess, Bishop Briggs and other artists redefining what pop is. Genres are starting to all mix together, which I think is super cool. When it comes to my music then think of Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato, Dua Lipa and other powerful and strong women like them. I want to empower people with my music, make them feel better and bring a smile on their faces. My music is fun, uplifting and truthful.
What’s your song writing routine like?
Every day I write down five things that inspire me. I usually try to write down song titles with story lines for new songs. So I start out with song titles when I write songs. After having the song title and the idea of what the song is going to be about I usually start with the chorus and then finish the song from there. I always write on my piano so when I’m not home while I’m having an idea I try to record a voice memo and as soon as I get home I sit on my piano and try to find the right chords to the melody. I try to write at least one song a week. I absolutely love collaborating with other artists. Getting creative minds together and seeing other people’s thought process is, for me, the best way to write songs.
Are you playing any shows soon?
I‘m currently working on putting together some shows for April. My mom will be visiting me from Switzerland and she always wanted to go on tour with me. So I have a two week window of when she‘s here to put together a quick tour. I already have Dallas, TX confirmed so I‘m super excited about that, since I‘ve never played a show there! I’m probably going to Europe in summer to visit my family so I’m also looking into playing a couple shows over there, which would be super fun! If you want to keep up with my show dates you can check out my website at www.lumanemusic.com.
Whats your favourite social media app?
I love Instagram. I am a very visual person. If a book doesn’t have any pictures I will most likely not read it. So I love looking at pictures on Instagram. It also gives a glimpse into people’s every day live through the insta stories which is a great way to connect with other people. I definitely spend the most time on that app and it‘s the place I definitely post the most too. I love poppy and bright colours so expect my feed to be pretty colourful as it‘s growing.
Tell us about your new single?
Well, so far I’ve released “Taboo”, which was my first ever single, and “Letters“.
I am so grateful for all the support I received for both singles. ‘Taboo’ is a super fun and upbeat song while ‘Letters’ is a ballade. Coming back to what I said about what my music like, both those songs are empowering. I am doing what I want and I don‘t care what other people think. ‘Letters’ is about getting over a break up, taking back control and not letting a toxic relationship to happen again. I am super excited to release my next single ‘Poison’ before going on a mini tour in April. Obviously, I‘m super excited about all of my songs but ‘Poison’ is something else and I can‘t wait for you all to hear it!